Job Scope

work in Germany after MS

Job Opportunities After MS In Germany

Whether you plan on finding work in Germany after MS to pay off your education loan or if you wish to settle there. The job market in Germany is very welcoming when it comes to foreign students especially those who have graduated with a Masters from Germany.

Here we will be discussing job opportunities in Germany after Masters for international students

Job scope in Germany: Can international students work in Germany after MS?

YES! If you are an international student and you plan on pursuing your MS from Germany, you can also know that the job scope after graduation is very high. All that is required from you is to extend your student Visa and find job that is suitable for you.

Now when you are applying for a job seekers visa in Bangalore, there are a few factors that needs to be considered such as:

  • Apply for a post study residence permit
  • Comply with all the German rules
  • Find a job
  • Application for a blue card

Now while the above steps may appear simple, the hassle of finding a job that you are truly  passionate about is real and may take time. This is why Germany allows students to apply for a residency permit for up to 18 months after their education

Applying for a Post study Resident Permit in Germany

Most students who move to Germany look forward to job opportunities after their MS. What has to be kept in mind is that the student resident visa expires immediately after you finish your studies there, even if a longer timeline has been mentioned in your documents. So if you are looking for a job in Germany, a resident permit is essential. Your last semester is the best time to apply for a resident permit and it can be extended for up to 18 months from the day your results are declared.

To extend your visa the procedure is as follows:

  • Go to the Foreigners Registrations Office
  • Request for a visa extension
  • Provide the required documents
  • Get the visa approval for next 18 months

Comply with the German Rules: Keep all the documents as required, such as:

  • A valid passport
  • Health insurance
  • Graduation Certificate from the German university
  • Financial Proof

How to look for work in Germany

The opportunities for work are in plenty especially for foreign students who are on the lookout for jobs in Germany after the completion of their MS. Graduating from a top tier university has higher chances of enabling you to secure a well paid job.

Even then, finding a job that brings satisfaction to you can be challenging. The best way to be kept on the loop is through the following:

  • Good networking
  • Applications on various portals such as LinkedIn
  • Checking out official websites and applying

How to apply for work

  • Apply for jobs that are specific to your field or related to it
  • Submit your CV
  • Attend interviews

What is a Blue card and why is it necessary?

Post getting a job, you will have to apply for a blue card. This is used by international residents working in Germany. A blue card is a mandatory document and is somewhat similar to a resident permit. However there are a few differences.  Be sure to read up on the difference between a blue card and resident permit.

What Jobs have the highest scope when it comes to MS in Germany?

Job opportunities are high for engineers in Germany. Germany being the hub of the  automobile industry, careers in engineering are always in demand. Therefore working in Germany after your MS promises you an attractive future.

Attractive Salary After MS in Germany

JobsApprox Annual Salary (INR)
Electrical Engineer1 crore
Accountant75 lakhs
Civil Engineer1 crore
Mechanical Engineer1 crore
Automotive Engineer90 lakhs
Biomedical Engineer90 lakhs
Pharma Researcher1 crore
Data Scientist1 crore
Architect1 crore
Art Director1 crore

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